Compagnie Voix is an international choreographic research project applying new media.

Our goal is to place the audience at the center of the experience.

We create choreographies from the analysis of languages to go beyond verbal expression and cultural context, to reconnect with the human nature of movement, and to draw from what is consciousness. Through this, we seek an horizontal diffusion of the practice of dance.

The body matters / L'aventure du corps


Eve 3.0


Think with the body


Latest articles

Real Human Touch: Performer-Facilitated Touch Enhances Presence and Embodiment in Immersive Performance

Published on 15.01.2024

In March 2023 we presented a fragment of "Eve 3.0", the stereoscopic film "Dear Diary" at the CINEDANS international video dance festival, in Amstedam, where during two full days we interacted with many participants. The result of this experience, apart from the incredible human exchange, is a paper written by eight hands with John Desnoyers-Stewart (lider of the project), Katerina Stepanova and their supervisor at SFU Bernhard E. Riecke. The two pivots for reflection in this article are the influence of physical human contact in the sense of presence in VR and the diversity of experience between laboratory and in-the-wild experimentation.

References for the research creation

Published on 17.10.2023

In the context of the research associated with the creation of "Eve 3.0", we select artistic references in order to create a theoretical framework around them, with regard to aesthetic choices, historical, geographical and cultural contexts, the evolution of technologies and their use on stage. These references are participatory performances that become case studies.

Two days of theatrical computing in Lyon

Published on 13.10.2022

Rémi Ronfard, research director at Inria, Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique, at Université Grenoble Alpes, conceived the Journées d'Informatique Théâtrale (JIT) in 2020 in Grenoble, with the idea of ​​bringing together researchers, artists and computer scientists of the French-speaking theater scene, who claim a theatrical practice that uses computers as a means of expression and/or a composition tool. Based on the musical computer model, the JIT observes the emergence of new practices of design, staging, documentation, annotation and archiving of creative processes, as well as issues of mediation with the public.